November 6, 2007

new bikes!

We have a projection screen in our living room... so Matt found a kid selling a projector at a good price and went to pick it up. An hour later, I get a phone call and Matt can hardly hold down his excitement. The kid was moving a week later, so he was eager to get rid of some of his stuff. The kid asked Matt to look around his room, "Anything else here that you want?" We ended up with a really nice Boese stereo system, and the kid's Motorcyle to name a few...
We also bought me a scooter and a SWEET helmet. When we were at the scooter shop last week, the mechanic laughed at me in his condescending Korean style, and told me it was an "old man scooter." Whatever, it's black and says Super Cab Racing on the side. I like it.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Matt wants to know if there is actually neon on the wheels? and what is going on with the front of the bike?